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“It’s been easy to get frustrated lately …”
Is your mind stable?
“I’m kind of anxious when I’m watching SNS …”
“I feel sad when I watch the internet news …”
Some information comes into your head every day.
Can you control your feelings and stay calm by seeing and hearing them?
How to stabilize an unstable mind
The mind is unstable.
Even if something happy and unavoidable happened yesterday, you may feel sad to see the net news today.
A lot of people
“If you get a lot of money, you will get peace of mind.”
It seems that you think, but it is not.
Just because your income has doubled does not mean that your mental stability has doubled.
Even if you make a lot of money and get peace of mind, it’s only temporary.
According to one theory, the period of mental stability that can be obtained by winning a large lottery ticket is only about 3 months.
So how do you get the stability of your mind?
① Stabilize the intestines
from long ago
“I’m hungry”
I’m hungry
Get angry
Break the belly
I used the word “belly” to describe spiritual things.
Heart = belly
I was catching it.
In other words
Mind stability = stomach stability
It can be said.
In modern medicine, the intestine is also called the “second brain.”
The reason is that there are 100 million nerve cells in the intestine, which are the same as those in the brain, and the intestine is pulsating at its own discretion.
As a way to stabilize your stomach
Do not take additives
Don’t eat too much wheat
Don’t eat too much cold
And so on.
Intestinal fatigue caused by “too much wheat” is often seen in people who come to our hospital.
Wheat is an allergen for many people.
If you practice the above even if it is not perfect, your intestinal fatigue will gradually improve and your mind will become more stable.
② Don’t watch the news
I’m not telling you not to look at it at all.
When it’s time for a break, don’t look at SNS or watch the net news first thing in the morning.
Many people leave the TV on, especially when they are at home for a day, but when I look at it somehow, almost the same news is flowing from morning till night.
If you are on the same channel, you will see the news regularly in the morning, morning, afternoon, evening, and night.
For example, you will hear news of the Ukrainian war from morning till night.
The sad news will brainwash your mind.
People who are not stable may feel anxious or sad.
The news is a confirmation of the facts, so you don’t see it all day long.
Once you check it, don’t connect to the internet.
SNS also avoids unpleasant news, but if you look at it for a long time, unpleasant news will come in naturally.
It is better not to do SNS for too long.