The true identity of moyamoya|西船橋で鬱、自律神経失調症頭痛、めまい、不眠、いらいらなどでお悩みの方専門整体院

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The true identity of moyamoya

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“It’s kind of moody.”


What the hell is this?


“Does your head feel sick? Or does your chest feel sick?”

“It feels like a chest and it feels like it’s in my head.”


I went to the hospital and took an MRI of my head and chest, but there was no problem.

This moyamoya is not sick.


What is the true identity of this moyamoya?



The true identity of moyamoya

that is,,,


Due to overlooking below



The true nature of the sickness of the head is the lack of blood flow in the brain coming from the neck.


The true nature of the chest is dysthymia of the heart.


Let’s explain each.


He said that the sickness of the head was a lack of blood flow in the head.

It depends on the overlook below.


What’s happening to your neck when you’re looking down?


The neck is usually warped forward.

If you look down, the state of warping forward will be straightened.


However, if you turn to the front after that, the warp of the neck will return again.


However, if you keep looking down for a long time, the warp will not completely return when you look forward.

If that condition lasts for a long time, the neck will be fixed in a straightened state.


This condition is called a straight neck.


This straight neck is the cause of the sickness of the head.



He said that the true nature of the chest swelling was autonomic imbalance of the heart.

When the autonomic nerves of the heart are out of order, the area around the chest becomes moody.


So why is the autonomic nervous system of the heart ataxia?


When facing down, the heavy head puts a heavy burden on the thoracic spine, where the autonomic nerves of the heart are exposed.


If that condition continues for a long time, the first thoracic spine will be distorted.

If the condition lasts for a long time, the autonomic nerves of the heart will be upset.

Then, the chest becomes moody.



How to eliminate smoky


If you write so far, you’ll know if you’re a wise person.

Live so as not to look down

You just have to do it.


It becomes a straight neck because it faces down.

Since it faces down, it puts the most strain on the thoracic spine.

You don’t have to look down.


“But you can’t live like that so easily.”

I think most people say.


Almost everything in life, such as computers, smartphones, and cooking, is facing down.


The important thing here is

Not looking down does not mean not looking down.


You can’t live without looking down.

However, it is quite possible to live without looking down.


Here’s how to live without looking down.


Insert the computer stand and raise the position of the computer by about 5 cm.
Raise your smartphone to near your line of sight.
When I’m using a kitchen knife, I sit in a chair.
When writing, put a document about 5 cm under the notebook

By making these efforts, you will be able to look down just by looking down.


By living without looking down, the frequency of sickness will definitely decrease.


Please try it.


院長 宮島信広
