Is the mouth the only internal organ that can be controlled? !!|西船橋で鬱、自律神経失調症頭痛、めまい、不眠、いらいらなどでお悩みの方専門整体院

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Is the mouth the only internal organ that can be controlled? !!

The other day, I bought a whole beef tongue at Costco for the first time.


I had to dismantle it, so I was studying by watching YouTube

“In the United States, we don’t eat internal organs, so we don’t process beef tongue, so we come to Japan without draining blood.”

It said.



“What ?! Is the tongue internal organs ?!”

I was shocked.


Maybe I was the only one I didn’t know? ?? ??


That’s because I thought the internal organs were out of control.


This is the case with the stomach, intestines, and heart.


You can control the so-called muscles, such as your arms and legs.


You can also control your tongue.

That’s why I didn’t think it was an internal organ.

Well, it’s because it’s in the mouth, isn’t it?


But if the tongue is an internal organ, the mouth is the only internal organ that can be controlled.



Many people visit our hospital because of gastrointestinal upset.

Loss of appetite, reflux esophagitis, indigestion, constipation, etc.


Why are you looking at the internal organs even though you are not a doctor?


It is “because it is cured without using medicine”.


“Can the gastrointestinal tract be cured without using medicines?”

You would normally think.


The gastrointestinal tract improves without the use of medicines.


“Really? Is it okay not to take stomach medicine?”

If you do what you do, you don’t need stomach medicine.


So how do you improve your gastrointestinal tract without using medicines?


that is

Consciously use the mouth, which is the only internal organ that can be controlled

It is a thing.


When you feel that your stomach does not move, even if you think “move” to your stomach, your stomach will not move.


This is because the stomach moves automatically by the action of the autonomic nerves.


However, the mouth, which is the only internal organ that can be controlled, can be moved by thinking “move”.


The mouth and stomach are connected.

If your mouth works hard, your stomach will get rid of work and feel better.

If you chew well, your stomach will improve.


“But constipation doesn’t matter, right?”

Some people will say.


The mouth and stomach are connected.

The stomach and duodenum are connected.

The duodenum and small intestine are connected.

The small and cecum are connected.

The cecum and large intestine are connected.


The large intestine is connected from the mouth with a single line.


Even the large intestine can be improved by consciously working the mouth, which is the only internal organ that can be controlled.


If you are suffering from gastrointestinal problems, try chewing 30 times.

For difficult people, 20 times is fine.


The more you chew, the better the stomach, which is the internal organs near the mouth.

This alone can keep stomach medicine away.


And if the stomach gets better, then the small intestine gets better and indigestion improves.


As it gets better, constipation will improve.


Proper use of the mouth, which is the only internal organ that can be controlled, will greatly improve the internal organs.


About the correction method DRT of our hospital

About the posture to keep good condition after that


院長 宮島信広
